Panayot Panayotov 

 Visit my site with all my apps "Privacy Policies" -

Coming soon my new app.
My first experience with the programming language Swift
Especially for children's audience (about 5-10 years old).
Available in English and Bulgarian.
- I know the animals and the objects around....
- I can count!
- I know colors and shapes.

Dream-Book - Dreams and Superstitions, for now, only in Bulgarian

Съновникът - сънища и суеверия is the original name..


Ver 1.21 
- improvements of some text views
- new dreams added


 old App icon                             ver.1.13 App icon (localized ver)

My second  iOS project is on the App Store. 

New Versions Improvements:

1. Localization - this is auto changing the language (Bulgarian or English) of the application and all texts in it, depending on the language selected on the device (iPhone, iPod or iPad)
2. New search engine.
4. Changed search - now you can search by code, by name or by part of the name of the food additive. Grouping harmfulness remains in the search. 
5. Added and updated information for many food additives.
6. New useful articles and tips (together with the Allergies and Enzymes articles)

Future improvements:
1. Built barcode scanner - to take the ingredients (food additives) automatically from the barcode on the label using your device camera.
2. iPad special version.

This is a guide-book of E-Standards - food supplements labeled with numbers that are tested for safety and are authorized in the European Union. 

My third app, Prayer-Book


Whats new:
Small optimizations of all text views.
New search engine

It's a collection of Christian prayers, blessed by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, collected and sorted.

Last update:  27  November 2018

About Me

I have years of experience in IT and programming.

These are my more significant previous projects:

-       Payroll system

-       Prices and Price-formation for Auto Transport

-       Warehouse Raw Materials system

Four years ago I began to study Objective-C - the main programming language used by Apple for the macOS and iOS operating systems, and their respective application programming interfaces (APIs), Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Now I look forward to new programming language of Apple - Swift.

Swift is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch. 

The future is interesting and challenging...


My first iOS project is  "Dream Book and Superstitions". 

Release date: 11 of July 2014.

Release date of version 1.21: January2018

For now, available only in Bulgarian language. 

"Dream-Book - dreams and superstitions" is an application that is trying to cover all interpretations of what we dream - the traditional "granny' interpretations and more modern ones. Summarized dreams and interpretations of several collections, try to compare, analyze and clear interpretations, leaving most trusted and proven history interpretations. Added to the standard interpretation and meaning of numbers and colours in our dreams, the importance of the days of the week and months on the interpretation and fulfillment of the dream.

To this I added a summary of the more common superstitions and beliefs in our land for centuries. You'll find over 160 groups superstitions with detailed information about each of them.

And last but not least, here you can find the most popular precious stones with their description, brief history and importance as talismans and amulets, as well as for the chakras and signs of the zodiac.

Modern psychology has long been revealed that dreams really scrambled important messages, but not coming from the supernatural, but from our own unconscious, but we still prefer to dig in Dream dictionaries, instead of trying to look at ourselves.
In fact, we know little, as most of our desires, passions and fears are driven deep into the unconscious. The paradox is that the less we assume their existence, the stronger dictate our behavior. This is the role of dreams - they make images of the subconscious to the surface and thus relieve us of them.

Superstitions are beliefs in supernatural forces as a driver of events.
Sometimes we all as to feel confident in themselves, we need such harmless superstition.
We should not be too strict and to themselves. Let's knock on wood, if that will cause us to feel more relaxed!


My second app in on sale from today, 16 of July...


You will find e-Standards of EU - food supplements labeled with numbers that are tested for safety and are authorized in the European Union. Some numbers, however, were subsequently banned in EU. Information is updated at the beginning of 2014 and will be updated at least once a month, adding or changing codes, descriptions, prohibitions, etc.

Demand is easy and fast. If you come across an unfamiliar E-code label on food or drink using this app for a few seconds, you can find out what is behind this code and whether it is harmful or contraindicated for you or your loved ones.

It also provides brief information for people who are allergic to understand whether these supplements affect them.
Explained short and understandable what is the nature of allergies and intolerance to some common foods.

You will also find a brief but useful information about enzymes - what they are, what is their role in our body, etc.

Version 1.13 is available on the App Store from March 2017

What's new?

1. New search engine

2. Updates of the database.


My third app is on sale from today, 31 of July.

It's a collection of Christian prayers, blessed by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, collected and sorted.

Allowed myself, by the grace and blessing of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church to create this Prayer-book.
The majority of the material I got from the website of the Bulgarian Patriarchate (
The Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church blesses the use and citation of these materials, with a clear reference to the source.

Everyone is free to choose religion, faith.
Several generations grew up under communism, were crippled in this respect - taught us that God does not exist, even forbidding us to gain a foothold in churches and temples.

I think everyone needs faith - whether orthodox or otherwise.
Along with joint worship, anyone can perform his personal prayer rule.

Our day is best to begin and end with prayer which he offered himself and his life to the Savior. Whatever obstacles stand in our way, you should not neglect the morning (immediately after waking up) and evening (before bedtime) prayer rule.

"Because of our weakness, for we do not allow on the one hand indolence, and the other - to keep jealousy in its measure" answers us saint Theophan the Recluse and continues: "The greatest prayer have a prayer rule and have it running. Everyone time they had started his prayer with certain prayers and then longer if that time came automotive prayer abandoned them and prayed with her. If they do so, the more we have to do we. Without established prayers will not know how to pray. If they were not, we left without prayer."

In our busy daily life we can not always tell one all prayers. It is therefore desirable to ask our cleric what prayers will recommend a particularly stressful days, and gave us prayers, consistent with our life situation and needs.

Added zoom in/out in all text fields, just use pinch with two or more fingers over the text.


My fourth application

Countries v.3.00

My fourth app

Ver.3.00, November 2017 - added English. All data up to 2017.


My 5th application 
Church Calendar with Name Days List
ver. 1.21

My fifth app is on App Store from today, 26 of February.



What's new:

Search in address book for persons with name day.
You may call, email or SMS these persons, from the app..

Ver.1.02 from November 2015

What's new:

Small errors corrections

Ver.1.03 from December 2015

What's new:

Added all data for 2016.
Small errors corrections and optimizations.

Ver.1.04 from January 2016

What's new:

Added link to PRO version.
Small errors corrections and optimizations.

Small errors corrections and optimizations.

Ver.1.05 from August 2016

What's new:

Small errors corrections and optimizations.

Ver.1.10 from December 2016

What's new:

Added all data for 2017.
New option to swipe in the Calendar view - for fast move to the next/previous month.

Ver.1.12 from March 2017

What's new:

New search engine
Better swipe in the Calendar view.

Ver.1.13 from July 2017

Added a widget.
Added zoom in/out for all text views (pinch).
Small bugs fixed.

Ver.1.20 from December2017
- Optimization for iPhone X
- Added church calendar for 2018
- Update of the Name Days for 2018
- Added Moon phases for 2018
- Corrections to some church holidays for 2015, 2016, and 2017 years
- Other minor improvements and fixes

My 6th application 
Church Calendar with Name Days List - PRO
ver. 1.20

My sixth app is on App Store from today, 14 of January.

0.99 EUR


No ads.

All texts are full.

Some more functionalities.

Ver.1.20 from December 2017
- Optimization for iPhone X
- Added church calendar for 2018
- Update of the Name Days for 2018
- Added Moon phases for 2018
- Corrections to some church holidays for 2015, 2016, and 2017 years
- Other minor improvements and fixes


The Countries, Quiz
ver. 1.05

My seventh app is on App Store from today, 16 of May.


Ver.1.05 from June 2017
Added English